
Activity No.1

Library Orientation Programme

Starting college can cause much anxiety in the heart of a new college student because of all unknowns-labs, library etc. orientation program are designed to to guide students in answering all these questions. department of chemistry organised students orientation program in which students were taken to the library and chemistry labs. the students were shown the books of different subjects and made aware of the process of getting books issued. a demo lecture was given as how to place particular books  in the rack. the students were given instructions about usage of lab equipments, their handling, chemicals available and various precautions to be taken while doing experiments.

M. Sc. Chemistry
Ist Year & 2nd Year
College Library

Students Learning Book Issuing Process

Activity No.2

Book Bank

Department of chemistry possesses its own book bank. Books are provided to the needy and deserving students free of cost. many students take advantage of this book bank every year. this book bank works for the ameliorating the level of education. the books are issued for the semester so that student can take full advantage of this.

B. Sc. Medical/Non-Medical
PG Deptt. Of Chemistry

Mr. Balbir Singh Issuing Books

Activity No.3
Organ Donation Awareness

"Help Someone Live after your Death"

Organ Donation Day is observed every year on 13th of August. The aim of this day is to motivate normal human beings to pledge to donate organs after death, and to spread awareness about the importance of organ donation. In context of that a seminar was organized by chemistry department to sensitize students for Organ donation on 13th august,2016. MissPriyanka and Ms. Aanchal of B.Sc. 3rd year were the speakers. After that, Dr. Anju Gupta concluded the seminar by explaining the students the importance of the organ donation and how transplant can save or transform the life of a person.
Such seminars provide a great opportunity in everyone’s life to come ahead, pledge to donate their precious organs and change someone’s life.

The following Salient points were discussed during the lecture
  1. To enlighten the students about the need of organ donation
  2. To remove the hesitations of the people about donating organs
  3. To aware the students that which organs can be donated

Teacher Incharge
B. Sc. Medical/Non-Medical
Science Block,
Ground Floor,
Computer Lab-I

(11:00 AM)

Priyanka and Aanchal
(B. Sc. III)

Dr.(Mrs.) Anju Gupta

Dr. Anju Gupta Addressing the Audience

Activity No.4

Community Development Programme

Teacher Incharge
B. Sc. Medical/Non-Medical
Home For The Blinds
Ferozepur City
Mrs. Sunita Khanna

To promote ‘Human values and Ethics’ among young generation a visit to blind home was organized by the Department of Chemistry on 18th August,2016 on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. Students tied a knot of brotherhood and love to blind students and distributed sweets. The event progressed with celebration of Raksha Bandhan by singing songs and bhajans which was followed by discussions on various aspects of lives of blind people. Mrs.Poonam Mehta, Assistant Professor in Chemistry, DSCW, delivered a lecture on importance of moral values and social ethics as an integral part of education.

Students Interacting with Blind People

Blind People Performing with Musical Instruments

Faculty at Blind Home with Students

Activity No.5

Workshop on Doʹs & Dontʹs in Chemistry Lab

 A workshop was organised by department of chemistry on the topic of "do's and dont's" of the chemistry lab. children were shown the presentation and were given information regarding the apparatus, precautions to be taken while doing experiments. they were given instructions regarding the dressup and benefits of wearing lab coat.

Teacher Incharge
B. Sc. Medical/Non-Medical
Deptt. Of Chemistry
Mr. Ankush Behal

Mr. Ankush Delivering Lecture on Do'S and Don'ts

                                                                Activity No.6

 Teachers Day Celebration

On the eve of Teachers Day on 5th September,2016, students of Department of Chemistry organized a cultural event to celebrate this day with their teachers. Students invited teachers to celebrate the day and organized various games and cultural programme on this occasion. Students expressed their sincere gratitude towards their teachers whereas Principal madam delivered a lecture and motivated the students and told them the importance of GURU in the life.

B. Sc. Medical/Non-Medical
Deptt. Of Chemistry

Greetings Presented to Faculty by Students

Activity No.7

National Nutrition Week

  September 1st-7th is observed as National Nutrition Week in our country.Under this campaign, Department of Chemistry organized a seminar on 6th September, 2016 on Health and Nutrition to create awareness about the health and well-being. On this occasion, Mrs. Monika Gautam ,HOD Home Science Department and Mrs. Vandana Gupta, Assistant Professor Home Science, delivered lectures on Balanced Diet and sources of various nutrients in daily foods. Students were encouraged to include balanced proportions of various food articles in daily meals to include all the nutrients.

B. Sc. Medical/Non-Medical
M.Sc. Chemistry
College Auditorium

Powerpoint Presentation on Nutritious Diet

Faculty Members Addressing the Audience and 
Explaining the Importance of Proper Nutrition in Food

Activity No. 8

Workshop To Determine Hardness Of Water

Department of chemistry organised a workshop on determination of hardness of water. the experiments were carried out by B.Sc.-II students under the supervision of teachers. water from various nearby towns were tested for Ca and Mg content was maximum for jalalabad west followed by talwandi. Samples of Ferozepur and zira have least amount of Ca and Mg

B. Sc. II Medical/Non-Medical
Chemistry Lab

Students Detecting  the Hardness of Water in Lab

Mr. Ankush Guiding Students About Hardness of Water and its Detection

Activity No. 9

Swachh Dev Samaj Abhiyan

There was time when the mention of social responsibility brought to our mind the image of govt. bodies, corporates and non-profit organizations toiling away to bring change and further the improvement in quality of life to  certain causes. Today we are seeing a whirl wind movement of active citizen participation in every sector and cause, that aims at improving lives, moving towards transforming India. In consideration to social responsibility,  Swachh dev Samaj Abhiyan” was organized by the department of Chemistry from dated 8th to 14th September, 2016. This thought was the seed that lead to the conceptualization and creation of ethical values for the nation.Under this campaign, students cleaned various laboratories and apparatus themselves.

08-Sept-2016 to
B. Sc Medical/Non-   Medical
Chemistry Lab

Students Cleaning the Lab

Activity No. 10

Slogan Writing Competition(World Ozone Day)

September 16th was designated by the United Nation general assembly as the international day for the preservation of ozone layer. The day is mainly intended to spread awareness of the depletion of ozone layer and search for solution to preserve it. People from all over the world are expected to gather on this day to join the talks and seminar.

On the occasion of Ozone day 16th September, department of chemistry organised slogan writing competition. students presented their poster on the topics related to environment. Dr. Mrs. Vandana Gupta, Mrs. Monika Gautam and Dr. Mrs. Khushwinder Kaur were the judges at the event

B. Sc. II Medical/Non-Medical
M.Sc. Chemistry

Deptt. Of Chemistry

World Ozone Day Celebration

Students Presenting their Slogans at the Event

Faculty and the Judges Observing the Posters

Activity No. 11

Participation in Inter College Science Fest- Nest 2016

Teachers of chemistry department accompanied the students to punjab degree college for participation in their science fest-NEST,2016. various competitions were organised in the college like chart presentation, rangoli making, quiz competition, students got lot of exposure by visiting and interacting with the participants from the other colleges and more over such type of events are necessary part of curriculum for  the students for the growth of their intellectuality as well as their academics

Winning Team with the Faculty

Activity No. 12

National Seminar- Emerging Trends In Chemistry

Post graduate department of chemistry organised a national seminar on emerging trends in chemistry. tree eminent professors delivered lectures on their respective topics and students showed great interest in it.. Prof. Rajshree Khare gave lecture on natural products and their importance. prof. chimni delivered lecture on learning from nature and Dr. Venus singh mithu gave lecture on dance with the nuclei. the students of msc chemistry actively participated in the seminar. the students got enlightened of various updates and recent advances in chemistry

B.Sc. Medical/Non-Medical
M.Sc. Chemistry

College Auditorium

Audience at the Seminar

Dr. Anju Gupta and Staff Presenting Award of Honour to the Dr. S.S Chimni

Dr. Venus Mithu Presented with Award by the Staff

Dr. Chimni Addressing the Audience

Dr. Venus Singh Mithu Delivering Lecture on Dance with Nuclei

Prof. Rajshree Khare Addressing the Audience

Activity No. 13

Interdisciplinary Workshop On Self Grooming

 Post graduate department of chemistry in collaboration with post graduate department of cosmetology organised three days interdisciplinary workshop on self grooming under students enrichment program from 14th to 17th october, 2016. step by step tutorials were shown to the students makeup tips, hairstyles and natural cosmetic ideas were taught. the students learnt the tips as how to present themselves at various occasions. 93 students of post graduate department of chemistry participated and were divided into three groups of 31 each

M.Sc. Chemistry

Deptt.Of Chemistry
And Cosmetology

Mrs. Rinky Demonstrating Different Hairstyles

Students Learning about Self Grooming

Activity No. 15

166th  Birthday Celebration of  Bhagwan Dev Aatma

On the 166th birth anniversary of Bhagwan Devatma Chemistry Department organized a quiz competition on 15th November, 2016.The motive of the event was to make students aware of the teachings and contributions of Bhagwan Dev atma towards society. Mrs. GURJEET KAUR conducted the event where students of chemistry department participated in the event.

   B.Sc. Chemistry

Deptt.Of Chemistry

Bhagwan Devatma

Students Participating in the Quiz

A faculty member keeping the Score

Faculty with  the winning teams

Activity No. 16

Workshop On Extraction Of Caffeine From Tea Leaves

  A workshop on extraction of caffeine from tea leaves was organised on 20th january,2017 in chemistry department lab. mrs. gurjeet kaur, mrs. shaveta and mr. ankush behl demonstrated the whole process along with the lab attendant mr. balbir singh. the purpose of the the workshop was to give knowledge about ta intake and its effect on body. moreover, to find out the percentage of caffeine from different samples of tea leaves of various brands.

   B.Sc. II Chemistry

Deptt.Of Chemistry

Faculty members explaining the students about the experiment

Activity No. 17

Maat Pita Santaan Diwas

Parents day is celebrated to express our love, gratitude and feelings towards our parents which we would not do naturally on other normal days. This day has always been celebrated in DSCW campus. The department of chemistry also contributed its bit towards this legacy of celebrating Parentsday.Maat-Pita Santan Diwaswas celebrated on 24th January,2017 by department of Chemistry and B.Sc. students. The students participated enthusiastically and found it a great time to thank their parents, through poems, through their experiences with their parents and life lessons that learn from them. Although a single day is not enough to thank our parents but it was a great initiative by our students. The event was conducted by Mr. Ankush Behal,Mrs.Gurjeet Kaur, and Miss Shaveta. Several activities like poster making, poem reciting, bhajan singing were part of this event.

   B.Sc. II Chemistry
    M.Sc. Chemistry

Deptt.Of Chemistry

Dr. Anju Gupta and Mrs. Khanna Delivering Lecture on Maat-Pita Santan Diwas

Students Sharing their Experiences with Parents and Showing their Gratitude Towards Them

 Posters on Maat-Pita Santan diwas

            Group Photo with the Students

Audience at the Event

Activity No. 18

National Voters Day

        In order to promote participation of young generation in the political process, government of India has decided to celebrate 25th January as National Voters Day which is the foundation day of voting commission. Department of Chemistry organized a seminar on 25th January, 2017 on National Voters Day in collaboration with local administration. The aim was to motivate young voters to make use of their right to cast vote and to the right person. Mrs. Sunita Khanna, Associate Professor in Chemistry, DSCW, delivered a seminar on the importance of right of voting and crucial role of vote of youth in recent society.

        B. Sc. I and B. Sc. II
           M.Sc. Chemistry

 Rangoli Made by the Students on National Voter's Day

Posters and Charts for Creating Awareness Among the Students Regarding their Voting Right

Activity No. 19

Seminar On Water Conservation

Every year 22nd March is celebrated as world water day .The day is celebrated to focus on importance of water and need to preserve it. Water day is celebrated around the world with variety of events like educational , musical, theoretical in nature. The theme encouraged the use of nature based solutions to water related challenges. The intention is to inspire people around the world to learn more about water related issues and to take action to make a difference.
GREEN AUDIT CLUB organized a seminar on water conservation on 20th February ,2017 to create awareness among individuals.A lecture was given by Dr. Anju Gupta and powerpoint presentation was given by students on this event.

 B. Sc. III Chemistry

Seminar Hall

                                       Dr. Anju Gupta Delivering Lecture on Water Conservation

Dr. Anju Gupta Addressing the Audience

Students Giving Powerpoint Presentation

Activity No. 20

National Science Day

28th February is celebrated as National Science Day as on this day in 1928, the celebrated Indian Scientist Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman discovered a phenomenon of scattering of photons which was later known as ‘Raman Effect’ after his name. After two years in 1930, he got Nobel Prize for this remarkable discovery and this was the first Nobel Prize for India in the field of Science. To mark the discovery of his famous phenomenon National Science Day is celebrated in India on the day each year.To honour such great personality the post graduate department of chemistry, DSCW organized a “State level Inter College” Science competition to commemorate “National Science Day” on 28th February, 2017. The department of chemistry organized various events and creative activities like rangoli making, model making, poster presentation, and power point presentation.

 M. Sc. II Chemistry
B.Sc. Vocational
College Campus


Dean Er. Mr. Prateek Prashar and Senior Faculty Members at the Inauguration Ceremony

Audience at the Event

Mr. Manchanda Distributing Prizes to the Students

Media Coverage of the Event

                                                   Students Presenting their Models

Students Explaining Posters to the Judges

Rangoli Making Event

Powerpoint Presentation by Student

Activity No. 21
Participation In International Conference

Ms. Sukhmanpreet kaur student of  M.Sc.-I chemistry presented a paper in international conference on recent innovation in engineering, science, humanities and management. This conference was organized by post graduate mathematics department of DSCW, ferozepur city on 19th march,2017. her paper topic was nanotechnology in cancer treatment. it was published in international journal of advanced technology in engineering and science(ISSN 2348-7550) Vol. 05.

 M. Sc. I Chemistry

College Auditorium
Sukhmanpreet Kaur

Ms. Sukhmanpreet Kaur of M.Sc. Chemistry Receiving Certificate for Paper Presentation

Activity No. 22

Career Counselling Interaction Seminar

Choosing a suitable career option influences a student’s course of life. Taking informed decisions at the right time could bring in wonderful opportunities as opposed to wrong ones, which could ruin a student’s future as these decisions are often irreversible. In such a situation, approaching a career counsellor would be a step in the right direction.

With an increase in the number and diversity of openings in the market, the importance of career counselling has also increased manifold. People realize the fact that not all can become engineers or doctors and have now started exploring other fields depending on their talent and interest in alternate domains.

The post graduate department of chemistry believes in all-round development of its students. The session was headed by Er. Sanjay Bhatnagar scientist-G working with the govt. of India in a space center on 1st April,2017 for the post graduate students of Chemistry and Physics and motivated the students about career aspects in various fields.

 M. Sc. Chemistry
 M.Sc. Physics

Science Seminar Hall

Floral Welcome of Er. Sanjay Bhatnagar by HOD

          Er. Sanjay Bhatnagar Addressing the Audience

Activity No. 23

National Health Day

7th April, is observed as national health day. a blood donation camp was organized in DSCW in collaboration with district youth welfare department, ferozepur. Dr. Kulwinder Singh, Assistant Director youth welfare delivered a lecture on HIV. Ms. Pankajdeep kaur of M.Sc. I Chemistry Roll no. 9708 Donated Blood.

 M. Sc. I Chemistry

Campus, Common Room
Pankajdeep Kaur

Student Donating Blood at Blood Donation Camp